Marine Pride Shipping & Trading
Prior to diversifying into the manufacturing sector, the group’s main commercial activity was concentrated in the shipping industry; which included ownership of two vessels, M.V. Prime-I & M.V. Marine Trader which it subsequently demolished at its own Ship Breaking Yard in Gadani. The group’s shipping companies include Marine Pride Shipping & Trading Corporation (Pvt.) Ltd., M.M. Marine Services (Pvt.) Ltd., Asia Trade & Transport (Pvt.) Ltd., M.M. Services, and Pride Ship Breakers. These companies were involved in Agency Work, Ship Owning, Ship Management – including technical and commercial – Brokerage, Container Handling, Stevedoring, Chartering and Ship Breaking. All Private Limited companies are ISO 9001 – 2008 compliant. These companies are members of Pakistan Ship Agents Association, Chamber of Commerce, Pakistan Stevedores Conference, Karachi Dock Labour Board, and General Agents for ECO Shipping companies. These companies have successfully performed contracts of Affreightment with State Enterprises such as Pakistan Steel, Ministry of Food and Agriculture as well as Pak-Arab Fertilizer Corporation. In addition, the shipping segment of the group performs COA/Spot fixtures with renowned Foreign Owners/Operators from the world over. The group has its own Ship Breaking Yard at Gadani, Balochistan which it continues to use to demolish demo vessels after purchasing them from the international market. The Cargo handling company M.M. Services (Pvt.) Ltd. owns and continues to use various handling equipment including Grabs of various capacities, Hoppers, Bagging Plants, Evacuators and Lifters to perform Stevedoring operations.