M.M. Farms

M.M. Farms was incorporated in 2015. Currently this new project consists of a high tech fully automated Egg layer poultry farm. By doing wide research we have chosen to keep the world’s best renowned breed for egg layer farms which is the ”Babcock” which originates from USA , the pullets have been carefully selected with the optimum level of health and age and have adjusted in the environment beautifully. The poultry farm has a capacity to produce 60,000 eggs daily and is further due to expansion in the near future. All of the machinery and equipment is of high quality has been imported from China. The temperature and lightning inside the sheds are computer controlled, which provides the hens a pleasant environment to breed in; hence this leads to a superior quality of egg production. As it is our group’s policy not to comprise on quality; we have kept highly qualified vets to ensure the bird’s health remains well and the risk of disease is minimized.